
Imagine a new world

"It seems absurd, yet it is exactly true, that because all reality it is nothing, there is no other real or anything of substance in the world that illusions". (Giacomo Leopardi, Zibaldone) 

If you want to speculate on this beautiful statement: what remains of the concerns about the euro and the fate of the world economy? And when it comes to wake up, now that you are awake, it's so obvious what you should do or not do?"


What is happening right now in the world is a rare opportunity to wake up because never in the known history of our planet we have been so close to create a dream of horror and destruction like this. Not only is there the threat of a worldwide economic collapse that could well be followed by a repression and  mass control to "save us", but the earth itself trembles and cries for the pain of her children animals and humans, for her mountains raped and valleys, rivers and seas poisoned. 

On the planet the most of human beings (something like 98%) are abused, hungry, thirsty, or reduced to extreme poverty by the 2% of the population that holds all the wealth, the comforts, the technological means, war tools and energy. You and I are just lucky to be born in that 2%, although in turn a still smaller percentage of people, the so-called élite, decide and govern much of our material life and indirectly through the manipulation of religions and beliefs also the spiritual one. In short, there is a scenario that perhaps never as now seems to show how fragile our lives are, how easily we can lose everything, or at least how death is a real possibility despite our best efforts to grant us safety and protection. Now more than ever what happens in the world reminds us that we can self-destroy us at any moment as a human race and how that control is exercised on the masses, because of fear, cause suffering and iniquity. 

What we see in the mirror of Life, if we are not afraid to open our eyes and look at it, it is the fact that as creatures we are impermanent, that we may die at any moment, and no matter how much control we seem to be able to exercise to exorcise this fear of death (through attachments to things or people or situations), the security we seek in the world is not there. And remember, those who exercise the biggest control, the so-called élite, are the most frightened of all, much more frightened than you or me! They need absolute control in order to feel at peace, because in reality they are not at all!If you can take a step back and see all that this is an opportunity to really live life not from fear, but from the joy of living, then this mirror does not need to manifest as it is doing now. Its task would be, so to speak, exhausted.  

If you go on the streets in indignation against what is happening and you fight you are still trying to clean the mirror from stains that you yourself are reflecting there. If there is still fear in you because there is still a sense of separation, if you try to hold off the fear with control strategies, that will be the fear and control that will be reflected in the world. If, however, you can use the mirror to get in touch with fear and control then the mirror will be used to its best and the reflected image will change. If, however, there is stubbornness to think that the image is real and you fight it as such or you close your eyes not to see the horror, then the mirror will reflect that conflict and also the system of covering up that we act on ourselves. The horror of it will be hidden, because we hide something from ourselves. 

Everything you see in the world is always and only yourself, what you love what you hate it is you. If you see this and there is no conflict about it, or if you wake up to who you are then there is no concern. I'm not worried about what happens in the world, but I do not even close my eyes not to look at it, or go out on the streets to protest, but I am OPEN to this information even if it can be unpleasant. I see what it is its position in the global scene, as the action needed to create a mass awakening that otherwise might not happen. 

 You see, the mechanical response of the mind to certain informations is "Well, but I what can I do? Better not even to care about it, do not tell me anything, it makes me just worried or sad. " This reasoning is based on the idea that you are a someone separate from what is happening and a someone that can or can not do something and because is feeling to be helpless choose to ignore it alltogheter. As long as this behavior is mantained the mirror of the world will become more and more controlling and scary because that feeling of helplessness and fear could be felt at the end. What creates the world is not the person you think you are, but the Dreamer of the Dream of life. As such you want to wake up to this fact and you will use all means necessary to do, including horror, war, famine etc.If the situation is extreme and hopeless, then the control mechanisms of fear break up and what the mind calls fear, which is actually our own joy and radiance repressed, can be felt fully. When you go in this way beyond the fear then you can live from joy. 

In reality for the human consciousness this is an incredible opportunity: to let go of control of fear and then radically change our way of way of living. A change that begin not as an act of will, but as a consequence of the fact that living in fear is too painful. A new way of living that springs from the realization that the trading of our happiness of today for not being afraid tomorrow is something that creates only suffering. You can only be in joy NOW.If you're awaken to what you are, you are not even afraid of what is happening, but you take it for what it is: a reflection of the ignorance and suffering still present in the human consciousness. If you're awake, you know that the only true revolution is that inner one. You will not be scared, however, to be exposed to informations that reflect that ignorance and fear. In fact you will be happy to talk about it, if the occasion presents itself, because you know that this information can cause a vital shock in those who still have their eyes closed to the world and so this will be an opportunity of awakening.

Think about it: when do we feel most alive? It happens in situations of extreme joy or, paradoxically, in situations that seem to be hopeless and therefore shut off our control mechanisms and security. It could be a serious or fatal or a grief or a divorce, or the loss of a job. Sometimes these vital shocks are the Life call that normally, as we stay numb in our torpor of false certainties, are not able to hear. This moment in human history, more than ever, is the opportunity to be called to let go of our false beliefs, to cross fear without repressing it anymore and live out that birthright that is joy. As children we are never fear: we called it excitement! 

If you feel this call, and the fact that you ask questions means that you do feel it, this moment in history is a fascinating moment in which finally our spiritual and material life can meet and cancel each other out. In other words, there is nothing you have to do, because as imaginary separate individual you already do nothing. There is no "me" in the body that produces thoughts, actions or feelings, they are all just witnessed by I, the One Consciousness that gives rise to everything and that lives through and as all forms. If we imagine to be a separate me from the world, then we want to have control over it because we are afraid, if we see that the separation is an illusion, then the dream world that is NEVER separate from us will reflect this understanding of Love. 

John Lennon said:

 "Imagine there is no heaven, 
it's easy if you try, 
No hell below us
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people living from today ... 
Imagine there's no countries
 it isnt hard to do  
Nothing to kill and die for
and no religion tooImagine all the peoplelive life in peace .. 
You may say I'm a dreamer
 but I am not the only one
 I hope someday you will join us
 and the world will live as ONE ... " 

A dear greeting,


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