
Dreaming Life

What we generally call life is actually a dream, as it is just a movement of Consciousness. What we are is Pure Consciousness that manifests itself in Life as all the characters that you meet, all the places we visit, all the events etc. In other words, as in a dream you create everything and you are everything, so Life is your Dream. Also dream that happens during the night it is just another way through which Consciousness manifests itself. In the night-dream this manifestation happens differently because the body-mind is functioning differently ( being the body-mind the tool through which you experience life). In the night-dream Consciousness simply experiences itself in another way.

When during the night we become conscious that we are dreaming - when we are aware that what is happening is not real but just something that we are creating - we are in what we could call a "lucid dream".
Lucid dreaming is really similar to a spiritual awakening, that is actually happening during the night-dream. You could say that if you awaken in your "day-dream", life, than Enlightenment happens. Enlightenment is really just the realization to be pure Consciousness, that lives through all form and manifests the so called reality out of its own being. It is the very simple recognition of you really are.

What happens in our "day-dream", Life, is happening out of this Consciousness, our true nature, and might or might not coincide with what "we", as dream-characters, would like. "We" are just part and parcel of the created dream, and therefore as such we have no power whatsoever over the dream. For what we really are, as Consciousness, we are infact the MasterDreamer.

As long as there is unconsciousness, in other words not knowing of what we are, there will be suffering. There will be the belief to be something that we are not, a minute part of the dream, instead that the Dreamer itself.

If it is known that whatever the body-mind is doing happens because it is part of the dream of life, where all your sense of guilr, shame and anxiety will go? All these things have their own root in the ignorance and identification with the body-mind.

The point is that you have no control over the dream: it happens, that's it. The dream of life is happening not as an emanation of what you do, but of what you ARE. Therefore is not the result of an act of will of the imaginary individual, but it is an emanation of your Being.
If in Conscisouness there will be fear and sense of separation then this will be manifested in the dream, that will be more similar to a nightmare.

As you don't choose beforehand what to dream during the night - but the night-dream expresses what is going on in your consciousness - so at this level what is going on is an emanation of our Consciousness.
There is actually no need to have any control over the dream, because the Dream IS you: as body mind, you never ha any control, because you are just a dream-object, a product of the dream. When this understanding happens - that as apparent individual we have no control - there is also a letting go that occours: we surrender our will in the hands of the Divine and in that very instant we realize that we ARE that Divine, that since always was guiding ourselves Home.



Letting go and letting be

It seems to me that letting go is letting be. How can that which has never been absent, even for a moment, present itself?

What you are is always, already, present. It is void, pure Awareness. Mysteriously, spontanously and unavoidably this Pure Void stirs itSelf, creating in its currents the illusion of the creation that is witnessed as reality. Part of this creation is the idea of being a someone separated in the body-mind organism.

This idea, the ego-concept, is in itself just an action that appears in the present moment, in what you are. Ego is not an entity, it is an activity, therefore it is not always present. As long as Awareness is still identified with its content it is not possible for it to be aware of itself, but will believe to be the subject of that idea. So the letting go is just of the identification with that idea, that reveals what IS already the case. You cannot let go what are, because there is never a moment in which you are not.

Your Being is always Here, but the attention is not always on it, but on its manifested qualities. The various activities of the dream on which the false subject is super-imposed like a an object reflected in a mirror leads you to look at the image and not at the emptiness of the mirror itsef. If the mirror would not exist, the image, that is always changing, could not appear. You are that empty mirror, the void canvas on which Life is painted. Life itself is just a movement in the mirror, so it cannot be really separated by it.
But yet, your reality is not the movement but the stillness in which and out of which Life is appearing. Infact Life appears and disappears and you not: Life is the illusion, what you are is Absolute Reality.

So letting go has to happen, but nobody lets go: it is the somebody that has to die, the idea to be a separate entity must be seen in all its illusion not just intellectually but intuitivly too. In other words has to be perceived directly, without any further conceptualization or intuitive sensation. The reflection in the mirror can be the pointer to the fact that what is mirroring itself is not the image that is just a reflection, but the pure light of awareness.

What-Is, the letting be as you call it, is what remains when the idea to be someone is let go. That letting be is not done with any effort, because there is no one anymore that could do any effort: all identity is disappeared and what is it is simply what was already the case.

This is the true key to joy: to rest in this letting BE.



Volition and individuality

All that it is manifest it is your will, but not of the one you imagine to be, but of what you truly are. Therefore your will could be now for example to suffer physically or just emotionally, because perhaps this is bringing you to enquire deeply about life, about what guides you, about what you are.

If everything that is happening in your life, included conflict and suffering, it would not be the case, this enquiry and the consequent understanding could not be. If you were always healthy, you could not estimate like precious the experience to be well, if you were always happy you could not know the pleasure of a causeless joy. Nothing of what it happens is against you, what we call pain is only the left hand of the Divine that is bringing us home, as well as is doing the right hand that we call "pleasurable experiences".

In Life it does not happen sometimes what we want, but always and only what need in order to recognize who we really are. Therefore sometimes the imaginary character that we think to embody suffers, also physically or only emotional, just to point us who we truly are. All that happens in a certain sense is with the aim to show you who you are, all is a gift of the Divine itself to itself. After the awakening all happens without any reason, and this is the biggest gift because it is also clear that Life could not have happened at all.

If the surrendering of your individuality to an impersonal awareness does not appeal to you, something should be considered about. It is important to operate a distinction between individuality and personality. Individuality is the sum of the characteristics of your body-mind. Those characteristics are unique, there was never someone like you and it will never exist again. In the enjoying of our characteristics as body-mind organism, our individuality, and in letting it express itself freely there is the joy and the gratefulness of being alive in human form.

Personality is different. The personality is the identification with the characteristics of the body mind and and the thinking that the " me", separated from the rest of the Universe, has its own will and ability to act independently. This is the source itself of suffering: with that " me" comes shame and sense of guilt, fear to make mistakes, pride, competition, jealousy, envies. It is the personality is the source of the suffering, not the individuality.

In reality it is only when one is free from the sense of being a someone, from the personality, than the characteristics of the body-mind can be expressed in a total way, without the uncertainties of the personality. Artists know this well: when a masterpiece was painted, the "me" was absent and therefore there was just pure joy that was doing the painting. It is the same with athletes: a complicated dive is only visualized from diver, then is the body to act it by itself.

Do not fear of having to abandon your individuality, it is just your personality that has to disappear. This surrender is not something that personality will do or can do, actually personality is often in conflict with the realization of not to exist. This surrender happens by itself, the intuitive understanding is developed by itself, without a someone understands.

Enjoy it ALL,


The sense of Life

A reply to the question "what is the sense of that dream called Life?".

A dream is the manifestation of the Dreamer's Consciousness. Therefore it is not the expression of what one does, but of what we are: the dream of life is the expression of our Being, of our Consciousness.

Life is the expression of Consciosness, as well as a dream during the night is nothing but a movement of the dreamer's consciousness. In other words, life in itself is not real, only Consciousness is Reality itself, where instead the dream is just its imaginary movement.

If life would not exist, o this dream called life would not exist, we would always remain in what we could call a state of deep sleep, of death, of pure absence (our true subject). It is only through life that we can be conscious of ourselves, life exists to reflect back that nothingness in which the somethingness happens to itself.

If nothingness would infact remain just nothingness, always in its inert and passive form, it would not have the ability to know itself and therefore to have a direct experience of itself. The somethingness is therefore appearing in the nothingness as a movement of this void nothing that wants to know itself.

The identification with the dream of life and that imaginary character that we believe to embody has been until now a necessary and unvoidable movement: at birth we are Pure Consciousness, still innocent about itself. Life happens, and with its first experience we start to fall, through the conditioning, in the idea that we are those experiences.

The body, for example, is just an experience that happens to nobody. It is just a movement in Consciousness. Same thing for the mind: it is just an experience, observed by Pure Awareness.

Through the conditioning, that in itself is just a thought, we fall in the illusion to be a someone and therefore in the idea that we are author of our actions, owners of our thoughts and emotions. Falling in the hypnosys we lose the connection with that birthright perception to be One with Life itself.

That 's the moment in which suffering starts and therefore seeking starts. Seeking will happen untill it will be seen, by Consciousness itself, that there is not a possible final result, neither an author of that reserach. In other words, the research ends because it is seen that there actually no seeker at all.

Therefore, in some way, the dream apparently happens until that moment to show us who we really are, after awakening really happens because it happens, but has not a purpose or a reason.

It is really in the absence of motivation that Life has in order to appear that we can catch its infinite beauty and compassion.

Think, Life could also have not happened at all... It is a wonderful gift in all its aspects, pains and pleasure, darkness and light, that are all incredible experiences, precious and unique, that happen for no reason at all.

The creation itself is therefore just a song of the Creator, a Love song, from Love to itSelf.

May you always be in this eternal gratufullness.



Painting Life

Painting Life

Opening to openness
The door is wide enough
Just for one of us.

Walking on a thin rope
On Eternity’s edge
Enveloped in the mystery
The ego dissolves in distress.

You asked me what is real
And I cannot tell anymore
If what I see it’s outside
Or a ghost in my eye’s mind.

If what I imagine within
And what I see out
Are two separate things
Or just One unfolding layout

I forgot all my past
The pains of yesteryear
Are illusions just as well as
The glare of the coming year.

I really don’t seek anything
In what is passing by
Knowing well that beauty
Will be gone in a while.

But I know that what I am
Is really what you are
The appearance of two
Is just here to have fun.

If you don’t believe too much
In the plot on the screen of Life
Then all that it will come
Will really be good enough.

To taste fully a dream
It is an art in itself
May you be a master painter
And I will enjoy it all as well.