
Feeling Alone

The feeling of being alone is right. You are alone, you are ONE, because there is just One Being.
The thing is that there is still in you the idea to be a someone that is alone, and you feel lonely.
Stay with that feeling and observe it. Observe how this feeling is known by something that is not a feeling, an Awareness that is aware of everything that appears in your apparent inner and outern reality.
You are what is aware of the feeling, just Pure Awareness. That Pure Awareness is the same One that is living through any form.
There, you are never separated by anybody.
This is Love.




All your fears are based on the idea that you are separated from what is appearing in your life.
The fear is that you can do something as separated individual that might affect positivly or negativly what is happening.

This is not actually the case because
whatever your body mind is going to do or intend to do is anyway the only thing that can happen, and there is no a separated you that can perfom it outside of what is appearing in the whole Universe.

Your thoughts and feelings as well as your actions are infact just actions happening through your form, but you do not choose them before their appearing, therefore you are not in control of them.

Let's say you feel insecure about something, did you choose to feel like that or simply is happening? This is absolutly true about anything that happens through your form. As soon as you realize this you will stop to think that you can do errors and mistakes or that thingz can be different from what they actually are.

Everything is in perfect harmony in the Universe all the times, so do not try to control what is appearing in your life or through your form.

Love cannot be recognized in your Life as something already present 100% until there is fear. And fear will disappear when you will stop trying to be in control of something that you are not in control of. You are not in control of Life or of yourself despite what appears to be, because the whole thing is happening anyway, included your desires and fears.

The beautiful thing is that you do not need to be in control. All the Universe is not separated from you, is YOU. It is the desire and the fear (that are the same thing) to have things different that create conflict in your life and suffering.

So step back, see that there is no need of worry. You are perfectly ok as you are, and more you see this and more harmoniously your reality is presented to you.

Much love,


Freedom is to see that what you really are does not need to get free, because it is already free 100%.
Fear is just an illusion we get caged in, it is just a bad habit.

Your true nature is freedom. And yet we seek it and seek it, and just ecause of this, we miss it.


Illusion of a cage

So beautiful to see that the cage you think to be in is just your mind projecting impossibilities in your reality... chains are there just because we are scared of seeing that we are already free!



The Empty Mirror

In every meeting you have, you meet always yourSelf. In every meeting what you really seek is yourSelf.

At times you meet yourSelf through a form in which the cast of ignorance has been destroyed and you manage to give yourself informations clear cut about what you are.

you recognize this kind of meeting because the apparent other that is talking to you through a book, a video or even an email seems to know you better than what you do.

This happens because the apparent other is really You, but a You in which it has been seen the illusion of a separated me in the body mind.

The relationship with this one is the deepest friendship you can find because is not not based on fear or need. With this one you share the recognition to be the same Being, that is true Love.

This recognition that is clear and steady from the side of the apparent other is going to be fully seen also from your side when the reflection is completly brought home, to the Source that you are.

At the beginning infact you imagine that there is someone else in front of you speaking until you see that there is no a someone, but simply yourself all the time. Nobody could infact know you so well but you yourSelf.

When this revelation happens the apparent other and your image of yourself both melt in the recognition to be the same Love.




Someone told me this morning about praying.

There are two types of prayers, prayers for obtaining something, based on the fear of not having what we want- based on seeking in an impermanent world and therefore cause of suffering- and prayers based on gratefulness.

The first ones are those kind of mental strategies in which often spiritual life consists of, "I will be good and accepting to obtain Heaven, Enlightenment, Nirvana" ect...they are the tecniques with which we try to escape from our personal hell.

These last ones are not really prayers, they are more a big thank you to the creator for what appears in our lives. they are the mantras of Love, the halleluyas we sing at times to Existance. That is why when these things comes from the right place have such a an effect on us, they open the Heart, it is a thanking that we give and receive at the same time.

The fact is that praying arise until you think that God is separated from you. it is natural for God itself seeking itself through each forms included the ones that we call human beings.

When it is seen (by God itself) that nothing is separated from you, to who would you pray and for what? there will be no need for asking, just enjoying what is already appearing.

Until that moment the best prayer is "I wish for everything to be as it is", it is "amen"...this is the trust that whatever is creating our world is doing it for the best, even when it is not wat we want. it is often although what we need.

Murders, violence, negativity that we see in the world are nothing but the reflection of the conflicts that we entertain in ourselves. a conflict that we cannot overcome unless there is acceptance and aknowledgement of its presence.

Fighting wars mantain wars, see them for what they are, the places in which Love has not yet recognized itself.

Gratefulness will keep arising, even if no more in the form of praying. It will be like the song of the bird, joyful to be alive, for no reason, in Grace.
