

Any action performed is totally divine, impersonal and necessary as it is actually performed by God itself in the unfolding of the understanding of itself.
"Who am I?" is the natural question that arises from Awareness itself through each form. When the answer to this question is seen to be the questioner itself what remains is the simple happening of what is, and the questioning dies in the fire of the understanding.
this fire cannot be pushed away or prevented or either be encouraged through any tecquiques or methods, as it is ALREADY unfolding in the most perfect way through the circustamces of Life.


taking personally

Whenever an action that appears to be coming from or through an apparent other hurts us or causes us offence it is because there is not the seeing of One consciousness in that moment.
ALL action is of the One and what one experiences indicates where one stands in relationship to this realisation of Oneness.
If one were to be able to never take anything personally then the concept of being an individual person would fall away, all action then would be seen to be from One source, impersonal and just what IS.
Whatever one's experience is it is the one that consciousness is having in that moment through that form and as such it is perfect for it is the ONLY one that can be happening in that moment.
Once the personality concept has dissolved all is seen to be the One unfolding , all then is unfolding in the only way that it can. All is seen in its utter perfect by that same perfection.
Much Love to all who read this Avasa


True Presence

I love your absence
more than your presence
in this what you are is revelaed more fully
here I really meet you
no more distance to cover
just here where I am
is where you are
this absence is my real Presence
is your real nature
so vainly the mind was avoiding this sense of lack
filling it with strategies to push away the pain
of an Heart that has to be broken fully
to see that this Love doesn't know any need
here I see your face,
that is all mine
faceless Awareness
bright Light
void of any image and concept,
Love did all this
Love was calling and I could not resist
It had your voice that was mine as well
It has been always calling
and I am its answer.


When Love dies...

Hi guys

i would like to share what has been happening for me in the few last days. I think it is something we all have come across in our life and so I feel is good to share it here as well.

When a relantionship ends what hurts is that the Love is present but the object of Love has gone. The absense of the other is actually revealing that Love even more clearly. The mind can then take over again and imagine that this Love is coming still from the object and try in some way to come back with the other person. In alternative this Love is denied and even more suffering will be present.
In a sense more there is letting go of the other and more the Love will be strong.
If one can remain open in this Love what will be revealed is that what was imagined to be the object of our Love is only the reflection of it. The Love is even more present now in our life because is no more linked to an object.

Like the sun is shining all over without avoiding anything so this Love will encompass everything, including the person with which our previous lover might be with now. The situation is seen to be all led by Love itSelf that has been orchestrating the perfect situation to be able to reveal itself to itself.

What one discovers infact oneself to be is that this Love is actually one's own Being that creates the play of the twoness, the male and the female, to enjoy itself. When Love comes back to itself in a sense it dies, and only Presence remains. It is seen that there is no object AND no subject of this Love, but just Lov-ING.

This Loving is what creates all the manifestation for the pure delight of making experience of itself.



Homing in

Homing in
home sweet home
the beloved is back
the lover is dead
heart stroke they say
too much bliss
got melted in peace
homing in
so sweet
a place never left
just imagined to be elsewhere
in a man
in a path
in a goal
so false
what a bluff
it was always here
all the time
so blutlanty obvious
no in
no out
just here, now
this Bright Presence
in which all shines in
the Inner Light
the Outern One
they meet
in an inner kiss
in a total embrace
Light overshines Light
Love waves overlapping Love waves
the Zero is felt
I am trembling
in joy
Home, Sweet Home.



Gurupurmina Moon

I danced with the Moon this nite my friend
she showed me all things I could not understand
she whispered in my ears a sweet lullaby
enlightening gently mind's shadow passing by
she embraced me softly with her silver hands
weaving me in spirals to be once again
aware of this Emptiness Eternally Alive
that nothing is but my real still I.
No lover is there to be loved anymore
only Love really is and take many forms
as much as the mind can ever imagine
in a moment all is seen and then dissolved again.



What Love is

If you can remain open to Love also when your Heart is broken, if you can look at lovers kissing and feel their joy as your own, if you can dance at the rhythm of Life even when there is pain and everything is senseless then, and only then you can truly know what Love really is, beyond your fear and your desire, the lust and the romance, all is meditation, all is revealed to be the Beloved, not a man or a woman, but your own Being, radiating infinitly beyond time and space, fate and change. The other disappears togheter with expectation, need, blame, guilt, shame. When you meet the Beloved within then your climax is total, you are in Love with Life itSelf, and you disappear in this Total Orgasm, boundless, free, fully and completly satisfied.
All is then celebration of this Love and wha was once fear is seen to be the joy out of which your dream is weaved.
You are not worthy of this and you will never be.
You will never be able to achieve this and you cannot lose it, just imagining that this can be.
Wake up, this is your call.
Love is calling, it has been always calling. The answer is always in front of you, all the time. Any manifestation, any situation in which you find yourself apparently involved is nothing but your Consciousness unfolding and mirroring the fact that all is One, all is You.
This is your own prayer manifesting and you are the one that is praying AND the one that is listening.
May you always be in this listening.


Love obeys

Dance, dance sweet lover of Truth
the rhythm of Life is asking you to
drop any fear any illusion of the two
melting in Love, the "me" barriers breaking through

The path is not easy, unless you are willing
to let any idea of what is fulfilling
to reveal all its lack, its senseless pay-off,
and resting in the Void that you did not want

The mind creates shadows of what you believe
to be the solution for resting in peace
so vane these attempts, at the end you will see
that everything IS already as you wish

because all is obeying to this Love that you are
creating the scene so perfectly set up
that you will catch in a moment that the illusory outside
is not really apart from what you imagine is inside.