
When Love dies...

Hi guys

i would like to share what has been happening for me in the few last days. I think it is something we all have come across in our life and so I feel is good to share it here as well.

When a relantionship ends what hurts is that the Love is present but the object of Love has gone. The absense of the other is actually revealing that Love even more clearly. The mind can then take over again and imagine that this Love is coming still from the object and try in some way to come back with the other person. In alternative this Love is denied and even more suffering will be present.
In a sense more there is letting go of the other and more the Love will be strong.
If one can remain open in this Love what will be revealed is that what was imagined to be the object of our Love is only the reflection of it. The Love is even more present now in our life because is no more linked to an object.

Like the sun is shining all over without avoiding anything so this Love will encompass everything, including the person with which our previous lover might be with now. The situation is seen to be all led by Love itSelf that has been orchestrating the perfect situation to be able to reveal itself to itself.

What one discovers infact oneself to be is that this Love is actually one's own Being that creates the play of the twoness, the male and the female, to enjoy itself. When Love comes back to itself in a sense it dies, and only Presence remains. It is seen that there is no object AND no subject of this Love, but just Lov-ING.

This Loving is what creates all the manifestation for the pure delight of making experience of itself.


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