Who is Shakti

Shakti Caterina Maggi does not consider herself as a teacher, because there is nothing to teach and no-one that could do that teaching. Sharing simply happens, as this communication is a characteristic of her form.

She has been sharing the realization of the Self since 2003, after the meeting with Bodhi Avasa with whom she has been working since their meeting as translator and organizer of Satsang and retreats. 
She herself holds satsangs, one-to-one sessions and workshops on self realization.

She published with Laris Editrice a collection of books in Italian dedicated to the non-duality message, with authors like Tony Parsons, Ramesh Balsekar, Jeff Foster and BodhiAvasa

 "Enlightement is the natural state of the human being. It is not something special, it is normal and ordinary as breathing. It cannot be achieved or obtained by any means, therefore any attempt to get it through a method or a tecquique 
with an intention for the future is destined to fail. 
Most of all Enlightenment is not something that happens to anyone, because there is no one. 
This very realization, paradoxically, IS Enlightenment!".