
The Empty Mirror

In every meeting you have, you meet always yourSelf. In every meeting what you really seek is yourSelf.

At times you meet yourSelf through a form in which the cast of ignorance has been destroyed and you manage to give yourself informations clear cut about what you are.

you recognize this kind of meeting because the apparent other that is talking to you through a book, a video or even an email seems to know you better than what you do.

This happens because the apparent other is really You, but a You in which it has been seen the illusion of a separated me in the body mind.

The relationship with this one is the deepest friendship you can find because is not not based on fear or need. With this one you share the recognition to be the same Being, that is true Love.

This recognition that is clear and steady from the side of the apparent other is going to be fully seen also from your side when the reflection is completly brought home, to the Source that you are.

At the beginning infact you imagine that there is someone else in front of you speaking until you see that there is no a someone, but simply yourself all the time. Nobody could infact know you so well but you yourSelf.

When this revelation happens the apparent other and your image of yourself both melt in the recognition to be the same Love.


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