
The sense of Life

A reply to the question "what is the sense of that dream called Life?".

A dream is the manifestation of the Dreamer's Consciousness. Therefore it is not the expression of what one does, but of what we are: the dream of life is the expression of our Being, of our Consciousness.

Life is the expression of Consciosness, as well as a dream during the night is nothing but a movement of the dreamer's consciousness. In other words, life in itself is not real, only Consciousness is Reality itself, where instead the dream is just its imaginary movement.

If life would not exist, o this dream called life would not exist, we would always remain in what we could call a state of deep sleep, of death, of pure absence (our true subject). It is only through life that we can be conscious of ourselves, life exists to reflect back that nothingness in which the somethingness happens to itself.

If nothingness would infact remain just nothingness, always in its inert and passive form, it would not have the ability to know itself and therefore to have a direct experience of itself. The somethingness is therefore appearing in the nothingness as a movement of this void nothing that wants to know itself.

The identification with the dream of life and that imaginary character that we believe to embody has been until now a necessary and unvoidable movement: at birth we are Pure Consciousness, still innocent about itself. Life happens, and with its first experience we start to fall, through the conditioning, in the idea that we are those experiences.

The body, for example, is just an experience that happens to nobody. It is just a movement in Consciousness. Same thing for the mind: it is just an experience, observed by Pure Awareness.

Through the conditioning, that in itself is just a thought, we fall in the illusion to be a someone and therefore in the idea that we are author of our actions, owners of our thoughts and emotions. Falling in the hypnosys we lose the connection with that birthright perception to be One with Life itself.

That 's the moment in which suffering starts and therefore seeking starts. Seeking will happen untill it will be seen, by Consciousness itself, that there is not a possible final result, neither an author of that reserach. In other words, the research ends because it is seen that there actually no seeker at all.

Therefore, in some way, the dream apparently happens until that moment to show us who we really are, after awakening really happens because it happens, but has not a purpose or a reason.

It is really in the absence of motivation that Life has in order to appear that we can catch its infinite beauty and compassion.

Think, Life could also have not happened at all... It is a wonderful gift in all its aspects, pains and pleasure, darkness and light, that are all incredible experiences, precious and unique, that happen for no reason at all.

The creation itself is therefore just a song of the Creator, a Love song, from Love to itSelf.

May you always be in this eternal gratufullness.


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