

What does it mean co-creation?

There is no co-creation, because there is one CREATING. There is not a someone, or more someone that create: what we see around us, what we call our external reality is not the result of an act of will of a supreme Being, or the collective result of more co -creators. What we call reality is an expression of our own BEING and not the result of a doing of a someone or more someone. YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE, you're everything that appears not only AS what you call your form and what happens THROUGH your form, but as any living and not living thing and the way which whatever is expressed through everything. If what we call reality IS your consciousness where is left the room for an acting of a creator, or for a co-creator? Your basic nature is Silence, Nothingness, Emptiness. The entire universe is the answer to the question "Who am I?". The question and the answer unfolds as what appears as life. That's the reason why any situation in your apparent separate existence is an opportunity to see who you are, no matter how dysfunctional or perfect your life seems to be, it's there as an expression of how you know yourSelf. When the catching of yourself in what appears happens, when that illusory sense of distance is cut down, then there is no more an inside and an outside. Then it rains because you are sad, because you feel in the conflict there is war, all is quiet at night because you're falling asleep. There is no a "me" that creates, the creation is the expression of your true empty I that is searching to understand itself to find itself back. When the finding happens, NOTHING is not found and NO ONE is left who has not found anything. Just Life itself remains in its unfolding from moment to moment, Life happens for no reason, as an expression of that Self that you really are. It does not happen to for for you or me, It does not happen even for your own awakening. It is just happening and when what it is witnessing it and therefore creating it has been found in it, then that Subject merges into that which is created and what remains is only CREATING. Shakti

" There is no creator so how can ther ebe co creating . there is only creating. The essay was clear on this no creator or created just creating. The "co" can only come from the illusion of separation" Avasa

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