What does it mean co-creation?
There is no co-creation, because there is one CREATING. There is not a someone, or more someone that create: what we see around us, what we call our external reality is not the result of an act of will of a supreme Being, or the collective result of more co -creators. What we call reality is an expression of our own BEING and not the result of a doing of a someone or more someone. YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE, you're everything that appears not only AS what you call your form and what happens THROUGH your form, but as any living and not living thing and the way which whatever is expressed through everything. If what we call reality IS your consciousness where is left the room for an acting of a creator, or for a co-creator? Your basic nature is Silence, Nothingness, Emptiness. The entire universe is the answer to the question "Who am I?". The question and the answer unfolds as what appears as life. That's the reason why any situation in your apparent separate existence is an opportunity to see who you are, no matter how dysfunctional or perfect your life seems to be, it's there as an expression of how you know yourSelf. When the catching of yourself in what appears happens, when that illusory sense of distance is cut down, then there is no more an inside and an outside. Then it rains because you are sad, because you feel in the conflict there is war, all is quiet at night because you're falling asleep. There is no a "me" that creates, the creation is the expression of your true empty I that is searching to understand itself to find itself back. When the finding happens, NOTHING is not found and NO ONE is left who has not found anything. Just Life itself remains in its unfolding from moment to moment, Life happens for no reason, as an expression of that Self that you really are. It does not happen to for for you or me, It does not happen even for your own awakening. It is just happening and when what it is witnessing it and therefore creating it has been found in it, then that Subject merges into that which is created and what remains is only CREATING. Shakti
" There is no creator so how can ther ebe co creating . there is only creating. The essay was clear on this no creator or created just creating. The "co" can only come from the illusion of separation" Avasa
Me +you =One
What does Life actually consist of? I am not talking about our so-called private, personal lives but Life as a whole.
In order for you or I to experience Life there must be two things present, an experience and an experience-er. Regardless of what is experienced, negative or positive, these apparent two things have to be in place, without them there would be no experience.
What should be clear to us, yet for some reason is not, is that we experience our body in the same way that we experience any other object, as a thing. Somehow we have got a bit misidentified with the experience and lost sight of the experiencer and we barely notice this fact. I claim that the body is what I am when in fact this is not my first-hand experience. My first-hand experience is that “I”, whatever this is, is not the body but what knows of the body as an experience.
I experience the world, of which my body is a part, and so obviously I am the experiencer yet somehow I have fallen into a case of mistaken identity and claim that the body, which is my experience, is what I am. If I claim this to be true I am claiming that I am an object just as every other thing in my world is an object. Yet it is clear that the object is not the experiencer but the experience. ALL experiences of my world, including my body, are EXEPRIENCED and they are experienced by an EXPERIENCE-ER.
So if the body itself is not what “I” am then “I” must be something apart from the body that is in itself absent of any experience. As the subject of all objectified experience, and all experience IS objectified, “I” must be the subject and as this subjective “I” myself cannot be an object. I am not an object and therefore cannot be an experience in myself but the absence of experience. As the absence of experience I am therefore in myself a non-experience which can take in all the experiences of Life, of my world. This has to be true for every human being. We, each one of us, whilst appearing to be separate objects, are actually non-experience experiencing the world through a human form which is part of our experience. We therefore are not the body itself.
The body is an instrument for experiencing the human experience. Without it “I” could not experience Love, joy, sadness, pain, sympathy for apparent others or any of the other experiences that make up a human experience. This incredibly intricate and complex vehicle that “I”, the non-experience, needs in order to experience Life is this object that I have mistakenly been calling “I”.
“I” am no more this body than than my car is “I” when if I forget that the body is driving it. “I” am what appears to be inside the body as a non-experience. Somehow this very obvious fact has been overlooked which is strange somehow as it should be most obvious.
If I look for myself as this non-experience, this “I”, what do I find? Certainly not an experience! In fact nothing , or rather no-thing, is to BE found. I see that I am absent of thing-ness. “I” am not a feeling or a taste or a smell or a sound or an colour or shape, all of which can be described as objects, but the absence of such things. I am a sort of presence of some sort which “I” sort of know is present but as what? I have no idea, I cannot describe this, yet it is obvious that this that has no description, but is aware of itself, is what I am. I am No-thing.
This therefore must be the same for all human forms, this non-experience living through the experienced form and experiencing the world. If this is so, and it is! This is where I fully meet others for here I AM the apparent others. This “I” and the “I” of the apparent other is the same I.
In seeing my SELF to be “I” I see that all other are this same “I”. So although my outer experience of the world is that it is full of OTHER people my inner experience is that all the OTHERS are no other than my Self. We are all the same Self, One-Self, one`s true Self is ONE Self !
All my imagined problems with “others” have been based upon a wrong identification. All my so –called personal problems have been based on this idea that I was a limited being within a body when the Truth is “I” am in all bodies, I am unlimited. All of the human problems therefore are also this. The problem of conflict , war, hatred and all those activities based upon the sense of separation between imagined others dissolve here in this realisation that “WE”, which itself is an illusion , are all “I”, all are the same Self functioning through all the forms.
All the problems of mankind are based upon this wrong assumption of separation, this wrong identification with one`s self. It is all based on a case of mistaken identity.
The only way therefore to solve ALL the problems, both the personal AND the problems of ALL humanity and the international level, is to see clearly what “I” is. When I know that I am you and you are I, that we all are “I”, finally Love is true of us. When action then arises from the conscious recognition of this Love all action will serve both one`s self and the One-Self.
The realisation and awakening to what we are is the answer to ALL of humanity`s problem.
Are you the experience or the One that is experiencing? Look for your Self because only you have the authority to state the answer. Is what we call “I” a thing or the aware no-thing-ness that is reading these words right now THROUGH the body.
If you SEE this clearly then you have just realised that what you have read is your own message to yourself. Welcome back home, to the place that you have never left !!!
“Least aware of what we should be most assured
Our glassy essence”
William Shakespeare.
Beyond the stories of the mind
I'm trying to listen.
Although I perceives the need of an empty mind, I can not really feel it, and I perceive a resistance.
you see, it is the mind that considers the mind as if it was a problem and it would like to have it empty because what is really tried to be achieved it is the void that witnesses it. In fact, the mind is not a problem at all, neither it is necessary to create an empty mind for this realization to take place. If the mind is a jungle of thoughts or it is well-disciplined and quiet, it remains anyway just an object of which you are aware.
It does not matter how the mind is coming up, otherwise it would be like saying that in order for you to witness it, it should manifest a certain way. And this is not the case. You are always the witness of the mind, not the main character of its stories, even when this is not yet consciously recognized. You know that thoughts exist because you are aware of them. When you are consciously aware of thoughts, or when you witness the mind consciously, then it is not really important to you which kind of thoughts or feelings are passing by, they are anyway just stuff that comes and goes, passing clouds in the sky.
The reason why we are so attached to the fact that certain thoughts should not be present it is because these particular thoughts have at their center as an imaginary subject our "me" or what we think we are. We do not want those thoughts, because they disturb us, they bring up with them an uncomfortable feeling and we believe them - no matter how horrible the scenario that is proposed -because we feel to be inside our thoughts and we think that really what they say could happen TO us.
This is a tragic error of perspective. The thoughts do not happen TO us, but IN ourselves. In other words they are subtle objects passing by and we are not the protagonists of them but only the witnesses!
For example, let's say the mind projects a negative scenario regarding a particular event. We will feel the anguish of that possibility and more the anguish will grow and more -if you really believe that those scenario will happen - you will believe you will feel even worse in that moment. The strategy will be then to try at all costs to not make happen that event in the idea to be able in this way to silence the feeling of anguish. Basically, what is happening is that we want to dispel that feeling that accompanies the story through an action that seems to be able to avoid that it can become true and happen.
Now, that story since the beginning is based on a lie: it is JUST a story of mind, as we really are it is not the subject of the story, but just the witness of it. That character seems to be the protagonist of the story, and who is? Its existence is based on a memory of events that have happened, a bunch of actions and thoughts that had passed through your form, but it is nothing but a memory! Your body and your mind are constantly changing and therefore who is the one that the mental story is talking about?
The story in itself it is just a story, and alhtough it does not seem at all like this when the story appears, what it does REALLY happens it is never what the mind had projected. The feeling that accompanies the story it is what we really suffer, and it is the feeling that fuel the strategies and tricks that are put into place to prevent the manifestation of the mind scenario. The strategies in themselves bring more suffering and so on.
It comes a time in our life in which it is no more possible implement strategies in order for not feeling that feeling and it is the time in which we are forced to confront our stories and the feeling in itself. Part of the story of the mind will be if the story will come to rest also the feeling will fade away. Actually it is not like that: the story is present only to the extent that one is not able to be present to the feeling that accompanies it.
Although it is not maybe immediately obvious, the story comes FROM feeling and not the other way round: if the interest in the story falls away because you can see that no matter how many strategies are put into place, the feeling is anyway coming back, then you just have to sit down with the feeling, feel it and be in a position of conscious witnessing about it. Then and only then for the first time we're really in the position to dispel that feeling, in the just staying present to it.
The story of the mind was desired to be dispelled only in the believe that in this was one could have eradicated the feeling. When you grasp that not only you are not the real main character of that story but it is not the story the origin of the feeling but its consequence, then the interest in the story will fall away automatically. One will remain just in the conscious witnessing of the feeling. The feeling will grows in intensity 'till come to a climax and it will disappear into conscious recognition.
We moved in this way from an only conceptual level - the world of the mind stories - to perceptual level. And it is ONLY at this level that suffering can be dissolved. So let the mind be present and not try to empty it. Let the stories that the mind present to pass by and if possible rather be aware of the feelings that accompany them. If it were possible to feel them without repressing them or expressing them they would reach their peak and would disappear along with the stories.
What it would remain would be what it was there since the beginning, the empty sky in which the clouds were happening.
A big hug,
Although I perceives the need of an empty mind, I can not really feel it, and I perceive a resistance.
you see, it is the mind that considers the mind as if it was a problem and it would like to have it empty because what is really tried to be achieved it is the void that witnesses it. In fact, the mind is not a problem at all, neither it is necessary to create an empty mind for this realization to take place. If the mind is a jungle of thoughts or it is well-disciplined and quiet, it remains anyway just an object of which you are aware.
It does not matter how the mind is coming up, otherwise it would be like saying that in order for you to witness it, it should manifest a certain way. And this is not the case. You are always the witness of the mind, not the main character of its stories, even when this is not yet consciously recognized. You know that thoughts exist because you are aware of them. When you are consciously aware of thoughts, or when you witness the mind consciously, then it is not really important to you which kind of thoughts or feelings are passing by, they are anyway just stuff that comes and goes, passing clouds in the sky.
The reason why we are so attached to the fact that certain thoughts should not be present it is because these particular thoughts have at their center as an imaginary subject our "me" or what we think we are. We do not want those thoughts, because they disturb us, they bring up with them an uncomfortable feeling and we believe them - no matter how horrible the scenario that is proposed -because we feel to be inside our thoughts and we think that really what they say could happen TO us.
This is a tragic error of perspective. The thoughts do not happen TO us, but IN ourselves. In other words they are subtle objects passing by and we are not the protagonists of them but only the witnesses!
For example, let's say the mind projects a negative scenario regarding a particular event. We will feel the anguish of that possibility and more the anguish will grow and more -if you really believe that those scenario will happen - you will believe you will feel even worse in that moment. The strategy will be then to try at all costs to not make happen that event in the idea to be able in this way to silence the feeling of anguish. Basically, what is happening is that we want to dispel that feeling that accompanies the story through an action that seems to be able to avoid that it can become true and happen.
Now, that story since the beginning is based on a lie: it is JUST a story of mind, as we really are it is not the subject of the story, but just the witness of it. That character seems to be the protagonist of the story, and who is? Its existence is based on a memory of events that have happened, a bunch of actions and thoughts that had passed through your form, but it is nothing but a memory! Your body and your mind are constantly changing and therefore who is the one that the mental story is talking about?
The story in itself it is just a story, and alhtough it does not seem at all like this when the story appears, what it does REALLY happens it is never what the mind had projected. The feeling that accompanies the story it is what we really suffer, and it is the feeling that fuel the strategies and tricks that are put into place to prevent the manifestation of the mind scenario. The strategies in themselves bring more suffering and so on.
It comes a time in our life in which it is no more possible implement strategies in order for not feeling that feeling and it is the time in which we are forced to confront our stories and the feeling in itself. Part of the story of the mind will be if the story will come to rest also the feeling will fade away. Actually it is not like that: the story is present only to the extent that one is not able to be present to the feeling that accompanies it.
Although it is not maybe immediately obvious, the story comes FROM feeling and not the other way round: if the interest in the story falls away because you can see that no matter how many strategies are put into place, the feeling is anyway coming back, then you just have to sit down with the feeling, feel it and be in a position of conscious witnessing about it. Then and only then for the first time we're really in the position to dispel that feeling, in the just staying present to it.
The story of the mind was desired to be dispelled only in the believe that in this was one could have eradicated the feeling. When you grasp that not only you are not the real main character of that story but it is not the story the origin of the feeling but its consequence, then the interest in the story will fall away automatically. One will remain just in the conscious witnessing of the feeling. The feeling will grows in intensity 'till come to a climax and it will disappear into conscious recognition.
We moved in this way from an only conceptual level - the world of the mind stories - to perceptual level. And it is ONLY at this level that suffering can be dissolved. So let the mind be present and not try to empty it. Let the stories that the mind present to pass by and if possible rather be aware of the feelings that accompany them. If it were possible to feel them without repressing them or expressing them they would reach their peak and would disappear along with the stories.
What it would remain would be what it was there since the beginning, the empty sky in which the clouds were happening.
A big hug,
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