
Inner revolution

We dont own Life and yet we feel free to take it, abuse it, rape it, pollute it in any possible way. We are so deeply conditioned to believe that only way to stop a violent action is another violent action that we dont even consider any other alternative. Love - what knows no separation- is the only alternative, the only answer.

Some could say that this message can never be listened by enough people to make a change over this planet.

I believe in the power of individuality and I think a single person can change the world and it is not a drop in the ocean, as in one single apparent person there is ALL the ocean. So if you wake up to this, it DOES makes the difference... it does as all the ocean is shaken.

If this is forgetten you will fall in the illusion that has been casted on you, the illusion that you are powerless, something that you are not.

You are all powerful as what you really are, because as what you really are you are the Source of everything. Every single human being is God incarnated, it the tool through which the Source makes experience of human life.

Instead we have been thrown to believe to be confined in the limits of a body, in a size of a form and we are led to believe that we need to use violence and rise up our voice to be listened,
where instead all our thoughts and feelings - our mind - is the Mind of God itSelf.

You are not a tiny insignificant little spot on this planet. You are precious, you are God and your form an expression of God. And when God suffers, all the world suffers. Check if NOW through your form there is a somebody, a ME. Or you find just an empty awareress living though the form, that is experiencing the world through the senses... this realization, that nobody is there but Awareness, IS Enlightenment.

It is enough that you awaken to this to shake the entire universe. Each Buddha has a tremendous effect on all this dream of the world, much more than thousands of people with sheep mentality.

Each Buddha knows itself as the Source and it is the same One living through all the forms.

Therefore YOU count, you for what you really are, not your form that is just a tool of experience. And the stopping of your suffering then it has a tremendous effect on the rest of the world; it has the effect to dissolve that suffering and ignorance in the rest of the dreamn to that same degree.

I believe in the power of the individual in the sense that the only revolution worth to be pursued it is an inner revolution, not a revolution to be made on the streets with bombs or furher violence but a revolution that happens silently but yet powerfully. A revolution that destroyes the sense of separation that is the seed of all evils in this world.

Meditate this in your heart and know that you are important and that you awakening counts and enlightens all the world.

Shakti Caterina Maggi


True Love

Tell me my love

What do you love the most?

The form, the body

Or what in which they morph?

If I would have to decide

Which part to take

I would choose the one

That could never be strayed,

As all this beauty will be gone one day

And destroyed in bereft I would definitely lay.

So please my lover,

See where I am

Where the Heart, entranced,

Its beat has delayed

In the awe of discovering

What is true of us,

This limitless Being to which the most

Do not even give a glance.

And in you, forever, I would sing my sweet song

No distance to cover

No time-lapse to fullfill

Completely overwhelmed in a dance where I don’t think

About the whys, and whens, the ifs and because

A questionless Love I do honour and laud.

If this you can be

Without buts and believes

Then see I AM

And in this we never split.

Completely united

More than husband and wife

In this we are One

And all that is you it is truly mine.

Shakti Caterina Maggi