
True Love

Tell me my love

What do you love the most?

The form, the body

Or what in which they morph?

If I would have to decide

Which part to take

I would choose the one

That could never be strayed,

As all this beauty will be gone one day

And destroyed in bereft I would definitely lay.

So please my lover,

See where I am

Where the Heart, entranced,

Its beat has delayed

In the awe of discovering

What is true of us,

This limitless Being to which the most

Do not even give a glance.

And in you, forever, I would sing my sweet song

No distance to cover

No time-lapse to fullfill

Completely overwhelmed in a dance where I don’t think

About the whys, and whens, the ifs and because

A questionless Love I do honour and laud.

If this you can be

Without buts and believes

Then see I AM

And in this we never split.

Completely united

More than husband and wife

In this we are One

And all that is you it is truly mine.

Shakti Caterina Maggi

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