
Enlightement can't be sold

I am constantly amazed by the play of existence.
Again and again I read and hear of people offering personal enlightenment as a result of something that they can do to show other people how to do it also.
Let us be clear on a few facts ---
First of all there is no such thing as personal enlightenment because the realisation that there IS no person IS what has been termed enlightenment ---
Secondly there is NOTHING that can be done to bring it about because no amount of DOING in TIME can bring about NON-DOING OUTSIDE of time ---
Thirdly, not only is there nothing that can be done BUT there is NO-ONE to do it!
I have just recently done two talks in Bergamo, Italy which is a new venue for this sharing and I was amazed by the amount of people who were asking me during the break and after the talk questions that were clearly based upon having received information from someone who claims himself to be enlightened and also states that I myself have acknowledged his enlightenment.
Let me be very clear about this --- The realisation of what one is does not require any acknowledgment from a third party as it is utterly SELF affirming. SELF realises SELF!
Courses that promise enlightenment at the end of them are a joke and are good money makers for the claimer of enlightenment to sell to people who are identified with being a seeker, this identification with the action of seeking itself prevents the seeing of what is --- That there is action but NO actor.
I have met over the years a number of people who have done courses promising that as a result of doing them they would attain personal enlightenment, which begged the question why they were still going to satsangs and meetings asking questions, very confused ones at times, about the attainment of enlightenment.
As a so-called spiritual seeker one is very vulnerable and there will be those who can prey and play upon that vulnerability for whatever reason they do so, be attentive to anyone who states that you have to make effort or change the way that you are for these people are not in the seeing of what requires no effort and which never changes. Lets face it, when it is stated that enlightenment has taken place who is to say that it has not, who would certify it.
One thing that is clear is that those who have dissolved in this seeing are always very ordinary and very direct in their sharing of it. With so many who actually are voices speaking from the Source itself it is obvious that those who claim to be but are not direct expressions of the Source are into another identification and busy building a spiritual ego for themselves.
Tony Parsons, Leo Hartong, Richard Sylvester, Nathan Gill and Jeff Foster, but to name a few, are ones who directly express this realisation. (All are available on the net). With them you will get no methods, techniques, practices or promises of enlightenment but you will get the plain fact that where the seeing of this is taking place there is no one doing anything to remove the imagined one that is not present.
As I have already stated, the play of exsistence never ceases to amaze me and I will be the first to agree that everything that takes place is the activity of Divine Being but I will be very clear that not all of this action leads to greater clarity, let alone enlightenment.
Enjoy it all Avasa.

3 commenti:

Shakti ha detto...

23 January, 2009
From: Digambara

Dear Avasa,

You are right: it is just AMAZING how creative is our beloved mind. Let's than be playful, if possible, ok?
….and now there are these openly& very clearly spoken words about my (miss-)behaviour, for then at the beginning of my giving satsang and also for now, for the new Class of Awakening I'm offering…(I had 2 independent sources to report me all this plus the sooo weird! and pretentious mailing from Saroka of Bergamo)
Avasa, we know that this is just the Existential No-thing – "The One" - who is playing right now…so lets see…

2003, and still going on?
I hear and understand only now that you meant for me (September 2003) ONLY to offer satsang to "your people" while waiting for your return to Milan. I agree, this would not certainly be a "recognition" on your side of anything! I understood and remember very differently than but, now,…."who" really cares?? On my side of the story, to start giving satsang was and still is a very powerful event. To discover the Truth to be able to come through "myself" is very precious and fundamentally ..HUMBLING ..even thou it is all so obviously only apparent…play of Leela! The mind is so quiet and in rest when this communication happens. Thank always (always!) also to you who tended and encouraged my final step. (Of course I only have the authority to say so. On my own. Very good!)….You see, since the beginning, they clearly and immediately were "my" satsang and so I joyfully proceeded all these years….
When this happened, some people probably felt that something was not on (I do some guesswork now..) and left. (Imagine: I myself was for a while disturbed when you apparently started to choose the same evening of my satsang!!! – I remember people embarrassement…- J). On the contrary, in time, few people preferred to come to listen to this voice of the Truth (the wording…so desperately funny!) rather than to yours…Leela, always and only Leela…
Ok, I'm DUMB! Now only (let's leave aside the useless "truths" of the psychologists..) I seem to understand WHY for so long (5 years and more have now "passed") I sensed a tension, if not a real coldness, from you for me.
I hope now that these words could mend, if necessary, what is still (apparently) disturbing you. I did not "steal" something from you. …. if the Truth could only be "stolen"!… for sure I would do so like a wolf and I myself would breed wolves! But...unfortunately, it is not possible…

2009, a new one?
Similarly now, with this new incident (accident?): a very old friend is shocked to have heard you talk so negatively about me and it broke her trust in me (but the film is still going on…). On the other side, a new one who came to hear you in Bergamo was also shocked and does not understand how you could mix essential & mundane truths so easily and .regretted to have met…you! (but the film is still going on…)
I don't believe that you are keen to listen to all the bla blas and complains and projections of people. The list of people is long for both of us, the number of people unhappy about - or confused after- something that you (or me) apparently have said or done or not done…should I continue??? Still long is the number of people I have all this time recommended to come to hear you…
I regret though that you apparently were instrumental to encourage Saroka to revamp his own-only fight and anger (!) towards me. Saroka…..I honestly don't understand what is going on . It has been such positive experience, 15 months long, to organize things with him…(I'm REALLY dumb than?). A good friend suggests that he is probably still looking for father figures to love and….kill afterwards (watch out!) J
About the Class of Awakening (..).Avasa…what to say..no need again to feel disturbed, as it appears in your letter after Bergamo (were you REALLY referring to me??!!)... I am simply able to promise a direct recognition for anyone "mature" enough. The focus is on putting the mind in rest and in keeping it at bay... Something easily happening in private sessions , sometimes in the satsang but still….to too many people, after some many hours of listening and listening "somebody else"..well they still know that they don't know. From that point of non intellectual recognition starts afresh the work on people wrong vision. But, of course, people apparent liberation still depends on people "maturity"..of which only Leela itself is very well taking care. The Class is a new way of sharing IT for myself and I can naturally ask for your respect, right?
Yes, as you very kindly wished to me last time we met in Caùsa, …I'm (finally!) enjoying life!

Shakti ha detto...

Hello Digambara
There is a saying " if the cap fits, wear it"
It seems that you have read or heard what was written on Shakti's blog about people offering enlightenment, which was not particularly about you but about anyone in general who believes that they have SOMETHING called enlightenment to give to others. If that fits what you are doing then you are living in an illusion, if it does not then why this reaction?
If enlightenment had taken place in that form the one thing that would be seen clearly, and in this email from you clearly it has'nt been seen, is that there is no one to GET enlightened and no one therefore to GIVE enlightenment. This that the word enlightenment points to is the fact that there is no one to be or get enlightened, there is simply no one, ANYWHERE.
There is no one that can offer enlightnment for there is no one who has it to offer.
You are still very fixed in the idea of being SOMEONE who is enlightenened.
At the same time I will say that whatever that form is doing is perfect and it can never do anything that is not done by the whole of existence. The believing that someone is doing it is the error and this fact is clearly seen in the email that you sent.
I have never chosen to do a satsang when it was your night to do one as you state, for I never arrange these meetings and it was Tara who told me later that you reacted to me being there, when she asked you to come to the meeting and you replied with the words " I do not GO to satsang, I GIVE satsang".
I also had no idea that you had ever been in the place in Bergamo until I was there that evening and as for the guy who runs the place I barely spoke to him so if there is an issue between him and yourself I suggest that you both take a look to see what reflection of one another you are in that relationship, There is no wish here to be anyones spiritual father.
In Genoa you reacted because there was a flyer of myself in a place where you went, where I had already been after being invited there, and then from what I have been told you put out the word to others not to have anything more to do with the place which obviously effected my meetings there. It seems that there is a lot of PERSONAL reaction coming from that form.
All I know about you since some time is what others tell me but having now read your email it seems that what was said is being supported in this communication from you.
What to say? you can only continue as you do until you realise that there is no YOU doing any of it and then there will be no one there to offer enlightenment. It will continue to happen where it happens without you and your help.
I will put your email and my reply on Shakti's blog to further point out the error of people, like yourself, who imagine that they have attained personal enlightenement and who believe that as a result of doing something with them can give it to others. NON-DOING cannot be reached by doing!

With Love to you Avasa.

Shakti ha detto...

again something I have been asked to publish.

Hello Avasa,

thank you for your reply.

My letter was meant to be a PRIVATE communication to you about some stories that have been reported lately about you talking about me. Please note in fact that that I NEVER even mentioned the word "enlightement"- it is strange that you want to use it for a totally different purpose . Maybe one day I'll partecipate to Shakti blog... but please let me decide when, ok? Thank you.

- you are bringing up Genova: I'm always happy if you give satsang in new places, and that included Genova. My relationship with those people (and my closing it) has NEVER had anything to do with you. The rest are the usual phantasies...

- ..that phrase supposedly of mine reported to you from Tara: it is really not in my style to say that!. Happy that you are recognizing my freedom to give satsang, because it is the opposite that my two "sources" had understood you are saying. Settled.

Bergamo. Happy also to understand that was only Saroka's idea to combine Shakti's blog with his own mailing just to give the impressions that you ALSO were referring to me. Enough for me.

For the rest..it is a weird feeling that I get : as if you are actually talking about someone with my name but who lives ONLY in your mind! Let's not be to serious than!




Dont fool yourself.
If your name is only a name in my mind that I was refering to why then is there anything private in your communication. Your very seing of personal privacy indicates that you see yourself as someone, a person.
Whether you participate or not to Shaktis blog is up to you but what I decide to put there is mine.
Privacy is something that disappeared long ago along with the idea that there is anyone ANYWHERE!
You are free to do whatever you wish including satsang and for that you do not need the permission of anyone any more than this form needs it from you to put your email to Shakti's blog. This one too will be there.
Rest Assured that there is no seriousness here about the game of Life, both you and I and all that we do are just actions arising inmanifestation why should anything therefore be taken seriously.
Enjoy it all, much Love to you Avasa