In the spiritual arena it is quite popular the belief that we have to look closely at our thougths as they are actually creating our own reality.
What in this belief is missed is that thoughts are not personal at all, as they are just actions happening in the Being.
The belief that thoughts are creating our own reality is quite erroneous, as thoughts are just part of the ONE ACTION that reality is. They cannot be distinguished or separated by any means by what is happening as what is appearing and what we are thinking are indeed just one thing, one action unfolding.
What we experience as thoughts that appear to manifest in a second moment is actually the impersonal perceiving of the creation of an impersonal reality. As thoughts are part of the manifestation we are in that moment perceving just one part of the infinite possibility of that quantum soup that Consciousness is. Infact, sometimes those thoughts look like actually being able to manifest their contents in what we called reality, sometimes they are not. It is the just the ego based mind that select the times in which those particular thoughts have been presenting themselves and THEN a certain appearence have been manifesting as if someway one would be responsible of that creation.
As long as the ego concept is present there will be also the belief that those thoughts are belonging to a someone and that someone is someway "creating its own reality".
What this kind of approach - that has been quite fertile in its own outsprings - is missing to realize is that thinking is not belonging to a person, but is part of the manifestation of Being.
Time is just a concept that comes from the stringing togheter of the various memories of this One Action. This action changes continously in its form and colour and gives so the appearince of time and space. Modern science confirms this saying that actually ALL the possibility of manifestation are actually manifesting simultanously but they are not all perceived.
This One Action contains in itself all the possibilities and as body mind organisms we are able just to perceive a part or an angle of it. At times our perception is wider and we can actually take in a more vast view if what is appearing. As all opposites are actually manifesting, as also the quantum science is confirming, nothing at the end is actually happening.
In the manifestation of this One Action there are also thoughts, and as they are perceived through the body mind organism - if the ego concept is still present - there will be false conviction that those thoughts are leading to a reality that can be personally chosen.
Therefore any affirmations like "your thoughts make you who you are" or "I think therefore I am" come from a quite shallow understanding of what we really are.
Thinking is part of being, but Being is, beyond any kind of thinking. And what you are is Being.
Seeking and spiritual ego
Truth cannot be ever reached, because what you are it is Truth. You cannot reach Being, you can only realize that what you are seeking it is already present 100%, but it is ignored in the searching for something that is imagined to be separated from you, a something to obtain.
The very seeking for Truth it is what prevents to the spiritual seeker to realize who is. To understand this, even only intellectually, throws the ego in a situation of deep frustration.
The psychological mind works with goals. In order words, "I" make something in order to arrive to something else. This achieving, if the ego becomes a spiritual ego, consists of obtaining Enlightement, the ultimate spiritual goal.
Whenever happens the listening to the message that the realization of Oneself is the realization that there is nobody -therefore nobody can obtain Enlightement and there is not a method or a practice in order to get it- if this spiritual ego is still present, there will be also frustration.
This frustration, instead of being something negative, it is the spiritual fire that burns the impulse of the ego to exit from the perception of this moment. If one observes with attention, seeking itself arises from the refusal of this moment. Seeking happens because frustration is present and this seeking is what brings to move the attention towards an imaginary moment in the future, in which everything it will be resolved, and Enlightenment will dissolve that frustration. I would say that the very opposite is true. The true spiritual life will bring to feel fully that frustration and it will burn the very desire to move towards a new moment in the future. To be present to this spiritual fire cannot be an action of will from the part of the imaginary individual. The seeker infact will want always to do something, even doing the staying with the frustration, like a method in order to arrive to the awakening. This is obviously impossible and it will not carry to the hoped result.
As the frustration will grow in seeing that every attempt is completly useless, surrendering will happen by itself. A surrender in which nobody surrenders, but that it happens because not there no more the force to seek for a new moment in which Enlightement can happen.
The magic is that when this seeking ends one realize that all happened till that moment, included the attempts of searching the Truth in the illusion that it was a something to obtain, were actions by the Truth in order to realize itself. Nothing is lost in other words, but it is all a divine action that arises as every single event, the the most apparently insignificant one, in order to realize itself.
A spontaneous gratefulness arises for the simple fact that everything is as it is, and that all is only oneself, yourSelf.
The spiritual mind wants to evolve. Truth instead is Being, and for its very nature is PERMANENT, IMMOVABLE, and therefore it does not belong to the world of becoming, of transforming. Truth, this empty and aware Nothing that observes every action, included the one of the spiritual search, is therefore already present. To a mind still projected on the future, on the evolution of the consciousness, all this is absolutely not attractive. No chakra to awaken, no process of transformation to activate, no job on oneself to activate. Awakening is an action of Love. An action of Love towards of itself. In the Love all is received, nothing is refused.
The spiritual mind refuses what is present, it wants to work on the personality, it wants to transform, it wants to change.
Love observes, let fear, anger, hatred or any so called negative emotion to be present, and in not fighting these things, but simply observing them consciously, Love melts everything in itself.
The spiritual mind makes war to the spiritual mind.
Love lets be, embraces every thing, beautiful and ugly, positive and negative, and accepts them unconditionally. Fighting, reactiing is not personal, comes just from a spiritual mind that still wants to search, in the next moment, in next the ten seconds. The spiritual mind fights with what is and therefore it does not know Love. What you are is Love, always. Even if sometimes this Love has fallen asleep about itself and therefore it seeks for itself. This seeking will end for the very fact that has begun.
If you are aware of the fact that you are still searching, just observe that this search is present and don't fight it. Let it be, knowing that seeking will not carry you anywhere because it does not exist anywhere else but this moment. And this moment. And this moment. In the observation of this fact this spiritual fire will grow and carry away with itself all that is false.
This ending of the sense of separation is a true death, but that gives space after its occouring to a living Life totally for the first time.
with Love, Shakti
The very seeking for Truth it is what prevents to the spiritual seeker to realize who is. To understand this, even only intellectually, throws the ego in a situation of deep frustration.
The psychological mind works with goals. In order words, "I" make something in order to arrive to something else. This achieving, if the ego becomes a spiritual ego, consists of obtaining Enlightement, the ultimate spiritual goal.
Whenever happens the listening to the message that the realization of Oneself is the realization that there is nobody -therefore nobody can obtain Enlightement and there is not a method or a practice in order to get it- if this spiritual ego is still present, there will be also frustration.
This frustration, instead of being something negative, it is the spiritual fire that burns the impulse of the ego to exit from the perception of this moment. If one observes with attention, seeking itself arises from the refusal of this moment. Seeking happens because frustration is present and this seeking is what brings to move the attention towards an imaginary moment in the future, in which everything it will be resolved, and Enlightenment will dissolve that frustration. I would say that the very opposite is true. The true spiritual life will bring to feel fully that frustration and it will burn the very desire to move towards a new moment in the future. To be present to this spiritual fire cannot be an action of will from the part of the imaginary individual. The seeker infact will want always to do something, even doing the staying with the frustration, like a method in order to arrive to the awakening. This is obviously impossible and it will not carry to the hoped result.
As the frustration will grow in seeing that every attempt is completly useless, surrendering will happen by itself. A surrender in which nobody surrenders, but that it happens because not there no more the force to seek for a new moment in which Enlightement can happen.
The magic is that when this seeking ends one realize that all happened till that moment, included the attempts of searching the Truth in the illusion that it was a something to obtain, were actions by the Truth in order to realize itself. Nothing is lost in other words, but it is all a divine action that arises as every single event, the the most apparently insignificant one, in order to realize itself.
A spontaneous gratefulness arises for the simple fact that everything is as it is, and that all is only oneself, yourSelf.
The spiritual mind wants to evolve. Truth instead is Being, and for its very nature is PERMANENT, IMMOVABLE, and therefore it does not belong to the world of becoming, of transforming. Truth, this empty and aware Nothing that observes every action, included the one of the spiritual search, is therefore already present. To a mind still projected on the future, on the evolution of the consciousness, all this is absolutely not attractive. No chakra to awaken, no process of transformation to activate, no job on oneself to activate. Awakening is an action of Love. An action of Love towards of itself. In the Love all is received, nothing is refused.
The spiritual mind refuses what is present, it wants to work on the personality, it wants to transform, it wants to change.
Love observes, let fear, anger, hatred or any so called negative emotion to be present, and in not fighting these things, but simply observing them consciously, Love melts everything in itself.
The spiritual mind makes war to the spiritual mind.
Love lets be, embraces every thing, beautiful and ugly, positive and negative, and accepts them unconditionally. Fighting, reactiing is not personal, comes just from a spiritual mind that still wants to search, in the next moment, in next the ten seconds. The spiritual mind fights with what is and therefore it does not know Love. What you are is Love, always. Even if sometimes this Love has fallen asleep about itself and therefore it seeks for itself. This seeking will end for the very fact that has begun.
If you are aware of the fact that you are still searching, just observe that this search is present and don't fight it. Let it be, knowing that seeking will not carry you anywhere because it does not exist anywhere else but this moment. And this moment. And this moment. In the observation of this fact this spiritual fire will grow and carry away with itself all that is false.
This ending of the sense of separation is a true death, but that gives space after its occouring to a living Life totally for the first time.
with Love, Shakti
Enlightement can't be sold
I am constantly amazed by the play of existence.
Again and again I read and hear of people offering personal enlightenment as a result of something that they can do to show other people how to do it also.
Let us be clear on a few facts ---
First of all there is no such thing as personal enlightenment because the realisation that there IS no person IS what has been termed enlightenment ---
Secondly there is NOTHING that can be done to bring it about because no amount of DOING in TIME can bring about NON-DOING OUTSIDE of time ---
Thirdly, not only is there nothing that can be done BUT there is NO-ONE to do it!
I have just recently done two talks in Bergamo, Italy which is a new venue for this sharing and I was amazed by the amount of people who were asking me during the break and after the talk questions that were clearly based upon having received information from someone who claims himself to be enlightened and also states that I myself have acknowledged his enlightenment.
Let me be very clear about this --- The realisation of what one is does not require any acknowledgment from a third party as it is utterly SELF affirming. SELF realises SELF!
Courses that promise enlightenment at the end of them are a joke and are good money makers for the claimer of enlightenment to sell to people who are identified with being a seeker, this identification with the action of seeking itself prevents the seeing of what is --- That there is action but NO actor.
I have met over the years a number of people who have done courses promising that as a result of doing them they would attain personal enlightenment, which begged the question why they were still going to satsangs and meetings asking questions, very confused ones at times, about the attainment of enlightenment.
As a so-called spiritual seeker one is very vulnerable and there will be those who can prey and play upon that vulnerability for whatever reason they do so, be attentive to anyone who states that you have to make effort or change the way that you are for these people are not in the seeing of what requires no effort and which never changes. Lets face it, when it is stated that enlightenment has taken place who is to say that it has not, who would certify it.
One thing that is clear is that those who have dissolved in this seeing are always very ordinary and very direct in their sharing of it. With so many who actually are voices speaking from the Source itself it is obvious that those who claim to be but are not direct expressions of the Source are into another identification and busy building a spiritual ego for themselves.
Tony Parsons, Leo Hartong, Richard Sylvester, Nathan Gill and Jeff Foster, but to name a few, are ones who directly express this realisation. (All are available on the net). With them you will get no methods, techniques, practices or promises of enlightenment but you will get the plain fact that where the seeing of this is taking place there is no one doing anything to remove the imagined one that is not present.
As I have already stated, the play of exsistence never ceases to amaze me and I will be the first to agree that everything that takes place is the activity of Divine Being but I will be very clear that not all of this action leads to greater clarity, let alone enlightenment.
Enjoy it all Avasa.
Again and again I read and hear of people offering personal enlightenment as a result of something that they can do to show other people how to do it also.
Let us be clear on a few facts ---
First of all there is no such thing as personal enlightenment because the realisation that there IS no person IS what has been termed enlightenment ---
Secondly there is NOTHING that can be done to bring it about because no amount of DOING in TIME can bring about NON-DOING OUTSIDE of time ---
Thirdly, not only is there nothing that can be done BUT there is NO-ONE to do it!
I have just recently done two talks in Bergamo, Italy which is a new venue for this sharing and I was amazed by the amount of people who were asking me during the break and after the talk questions that were clearly based upon having received information from someone who claims himself to be enlightened and also states that I myself have acknowledged his enlightenment.
Let me be very clear about this --- The realisation of what one is does not require any acknowledgment from a third party as it is utterly SELF affirming. SELF realises SELF!
Courses that promise enlightenment at the end of them are a joke and are good money makers for the claimer of enlightenment to sell to people who are identified with being a seeker, this identification with the action of seeking itself prevents the seeing of what is --- That there is action but NO actor.
I have met over the years a number of people who have done courses promising that as a result of doing them they would attain personal enlightenment, which begged the question why they were still going to satsangs and meetings asking questions, very confused ones at times, about the attainment of enlightenment.
As a so-called spiritual seeker one is very vulnerable and there will be those who can prey and play upon that vulnerability for whatever reason they do so, be attentive to anyone who states that you have to make effort or change the way that you are for these people are not in the seeing of what requires no effort and which never changes. Lets face it, when it is stated that enlightenment has taken place who is to say that it has not, who would certify it.
One thing that is clear is that those who have dissolved in this seeing are always very ordinary and very direct in their sharing of it. With so many who actually are voices speaking from the Source itself it is obvious that those who claim to be but are not direct expressions of the Source are into another identification and busy building a spiritual ego for themselves.
Tony Parsons, Leo Hartong, Richard Sylvester, Nathan Gill and Jeff Foster, but to name a few, are ones who directly express this realisation. (All are available on the net). With them you will get no methods, techniques, practices or promises of enlightenment but you will get the plain fact that where the seeing of this is taking place there is no one doing anything to remove the imagined one that is not present.
As I have already stated, the play of exsistence never ceases to amaze me and I will be the first to agree that everything that takes place is the activity of Divine Being but I will be very clear that not all of this action leads to greater clarity, let alone enlightenment.
Enjoy it all Avasa.
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