
Memory of the Self

Presence can be self perceived in whatever conditions the body finds itself as by definition it is always present.

You, as Awareness, are the subject of any object, either apparently inner or outern ones. The very fact that you know that they exist is because you are present to them. You are Presence itself.

Very rarely this recognition is permanent. Often it is a kind of first glimpse that is followed naturally by the desire to come back to it. As the various temptatives to come back to what is actually always present fall apart, the attention comes back to the Presence because it is no more attached to the strategies of the mind to return to the Self. The mind will always try to come back to its idea of the Self, as what the Self actually is cannot be objectified as it is always the subject of any object.

The mind cannot remember the glimpse in itself as in the glimpse the Self is directly attent to itself and to the objects of the mind in the recognition that they are actually One thing. Mind can only remember the situations and conditions in which the body is, and therefore when the sense of be a someone separate steps back and the glimpse fades off there will be very easily the idea that those conditions are the cause of the recognition itself.

If this is understood, immediatly any strategy to come back to the direct pereception of oneself falls apart and the memory of the glimpse is no more hold in the mind as the Self. When the image falls what is true, the Presence, reveals itself in all its clarity.


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