
Already Truth

The psycological mind, that is based on the idea to be a someone (in other words the ego concept), is not involved in the process of self realization.

it looks like we are spiritual seekers that are searching for Truth. But if we actually look in what is happening what we are is just the Awareness that is observing the action of seeking going on.
Seeking is happening, but what you are is the witness of this action and not a seeker. What the seeking is pursuing is actually the discovery of the true nature of the seeker and miss totally to see that the seeker is already present 100%, it is present as observation of the seeking action.

This means that there is no mental speculation or ultimate feeling that will put an end to the search for truth, because what we are looking for is what is ALREADY looking at the seeking action. This one was present before the seeking was happening and it will be present also when the seeking will end.

Truth infact is always present.

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