

Whatever appears on the screen of Life seems to be so real. Sometimes we are attracted by some characters of the movie, sometimes we hate them and we are in conflict with them.
We suffer because we would like to have a different situation for us, we try to change the story from the movie itself. This is just an useless effort.

Only acceptance, real acceptance, can change your life. When you accept everything without no desire of changing, when you truly see that whatever happens on the screen is just
your own Consciousness, Life changes, because your Consciouness is changing.
In you there is no more conflict, so the conflict will not be express on the apparent outern reality. If in you there is acceptance and joy, your Life will express this. From there, you can Love without any preference, because you are Love itself.

Observe the emotions and thoughts that come through the body. Only who sees clearly that Life is just a dance of shadows in the Light of Awareness can truly Love someone. Love is not an emotion, is our true essence. Until you can see clearly that everything is just Love
you will be trapped in the game of desires and emotions, taking the part of one character or an other.

Be detached, let Life lives you, observe all the feelings, thoughts and emotions, good or bad, without holding to none of them. They are all expressions of the Love that you are.

Accept Life. It is your gift to yourself, also when it appears to be full of problems. You need them because they carry you a message of acceptance. Accept yourself as you are.



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