
The end of the understanding

When sense of separation disappears, and it does by itself, as the seeking ends.

There is a moment in which we see that this understanding about ourselves, this asking "who am I? what is this universe? where does it come from?" is no more interesting as an intellectual debate. We see that answers just bring to other questions, on and on.
This stopping of conceptualization happens, like when an apple is ripe enough to fall from the tree. It is part of the mistery as well.

When the intellectualization fades away one remains with the emotion connected to this enquiry. At the feeling level what was once the impulse that was bringing the body to make questions, reading books, watching movies and going to groups and conferences is at the end just observed.

The impulse is then seen as a fire, an inner one. A fire that has burnt already all the belief and concept of the mind and is now burning on a deeper level, the one of intuition. Resting in observation of this feeling brings the impulse to dissolve. What remains at the end of this process is peace, silence. Peace was there all along, on the background, but was unrecognized because the attention was on the concepts or on the feelings.

This intuitive understanding comes to an end by itself. When it does completly nothing is left to be understood and nobody to do the undetstanding. Just Being.


The Appearance


The Appearance

What is very clear and very obvious to most human beings is that the present day state of our world is not beneficial to the continuation of the human species. What may not be quite so obvious is that what is happening in our world is an outer reflection, for want of a better way of putting it, of what is taking place within consciousness.

Consciousness is impersonal but at the same time it functions in such a way that the human organism, which is an apparatus of consciousness, enables it to grow into a deeper intuitive understanding of itself, in the process of this taking place the gestalt of consciousness itself changes, the human experience as a result gains a deeper understanding of itself.

What is required now at this point in time is a breakdown of what has up until now been somewhat functional in the development of humanity, the ego concept, and in fact this is what is taking place.

This concept, which consciousness itself has up until now held true of itself, except for the occasional few, is the idea that there exists within each human form a separate being who has volition of its own to function against all action that is taking place throughout existence. This one concept has led to the idea of separation and the suffering of consciousness itself as apparent separate beings, humanity. There is in truth no volitional ability at all as all action that takes place through the human form is being done by the WHOLE and not an apparent part.

The letting go of this concept, which can only be done by consciousness itself, requires the letting go of all that is believed to be true of humanity, all that consciousness itself, up until very recently, has believed about itself.

The breaking down of this ego concept involves the facing of the structure of the concept of separation at the level of feeling, the level of perception, and this involves the arising of fear and the remaining present to it without developing strategies to avoid the fear. It is these strategies that have created the present day situation, all based upon the concept of separation.

The greatest fear that we know as apparent separate beings is the fear of death, all other fears are based upon this one. Each time one is able to stay present to fear at the feeling level without analysis by the intellect that fear dissolves leaving nothing in its place. The very last fear that consciousness will be present to, which is the fear of the death of oneself as a separate being, leaves nothing at all, emptiness. This emptiness is then seen to be the Truth of oneself and all apparent others.

What we are seeing happening in consciousness as present day events is the breakdown of this ego concept. As it struggles in its death throes it clutches desperately to control and delay its impending death, this is reflected outwardly upon the screen of consciousness as the control that governments and those above them are trying to enforce and it is clear that it is getting desperate.

Each of us believes that we are a separate being amongst other separate beings and this is not the Truth. We are not a we but an apparent we, a manifestation of the One consciousness. This includes all those apparently separate others who appear as the negative players within the game of consciousness, we are all One. When this fact is seen it is also seen that all the events that are taking place are one's own and unless this is seen the belief that it is not so reinforces the separative actions that arise in consciousness.

The answer to all that is happening as the unfolding events of the world is to awaken to the realisation of what one is and in this realisation the world will change as a consequence. Where separation is no longer seen the actions of consciousness will no longer be separative actions but inclusive actions, benefiting all mankind.

This is happening, no one is doing it for there is no one, there is only consciousness itself unfolding and giving rise to actions that appear as the play of existence.

Awakening is already happening, for some the facing of these fears has begun and for others the outer changes will leave no choice put for them to be faced, the result will be mass awakening.

Love is the answer, Love for those who appear to be negative in their role in the play as well as Love for those who appear as the positive aspect of what is essentially ONE unbroken consciousness unfolding.

In the Light of this Love all are seen to be Oneself awakening.
