Manifestation is the expression of your Being, not of what you do. There is no separated individual, so there is no individual able to do or to choose anything. When the illusion to be person is present Life it will seem like the happening of something that is relatable to a someone. As this recognition to be the dreamer of the dream of life occours you will start to notice the similarities between what is experienced innerly and what appears outernly.
But when you search for this someone you will disocver than nothing is present but the action of the mind as thoughts or feelings that belong to the moment and that changes in any istant.
The Dream of the world is the expression of the Dreamer not as act of volition, but as expression of its nature.
From having a dream to BEING the Dream is the passage from hell to paradise.
Deva Mata Shakti
Escaping from the illusion
Manifestation is the expression of your Being, not of what you do. There is no separated individual, so there is no individual able to do or to choose anything. When the illusion to be person is present Life it will seem like the happening of something that is relatable to a someone. As this recognition to be the dreamer of the dream of life occours you will start to notice the similarities between what is experienced innerly and what appears outernly.
But when you search for this someone you will disocver than nothing is present but the action of the mind as thoughts or feelings that belong to the moment and that changes in any istant.
The Dream of the world is the expression of the Dreamer not as act of volition, but as expression of its nature.
From having a dream to BEING the Dream is the passage from hell to paradise.
Deva Mata Shakti
But when you search for this someone you will disocver than nothing is present but the action of the mind as thoughts or feelings that belong to the moment and that changes in any istant.
The Dream of the world is the expression of the Dreamer not as act of volition, but as expression of its nature.
From having a dream to BEING the Dream is the passage from hell to paradise.
Deva Mata Shakti
Free will, by Avasa
Whatever choice is made is freely made in that it is a result of the circumstances that the body/mind finds itself in, which are one thing. The chooser, the choice made and the thing chosen are One action. Consciousness and its object are always One.
The form cannot act outside of the given circumstances of the moment that it finds itself in.
The idea that another choice could have been made is an error, this error too is at the same time an impersonal action arising in consciousness. The choice that is made is the only one that was made because it was the only one that COULD have been made because of the circumstances of that particular moment. It was made by no one! just an action unfolding within the Whole.
There is a train of thought that gives the impression that things can be other than they actually are but as things are as they are and not as they are not it is not provable. It is therefore just another of the many theories based upon the idea that things can be other than they are when clearly they can only be as they actually are.
These theories, which are all based upon the holding to of the concept that there is someone within the form, tend to fall away once it is seen that there is no one and that all is action only being witnessed by an inactive Awareness.
If it is seen that there is no one within the form in actuality then it is clear that there is no one who has free will for there is no one TO have it, yet thought arises and out of the many thoughts that appear certain ones are the ones that are put forward as choices or decisions and others are simply not put forward in this way.
This is the mystery which will never be solved.
That the One consciousness that lives as and through all forms naming itself “I” or “me” creates is a fact but how this does so will never be known. There is no plan prior to the appearance of the thought as it appears out of an empty Awareness.
Although it appears that it is the thoughts and feelings themselves that are the actual stuff of creating this is not so for they themselves are made out of the non-stuff which witnesses there appearance. This witnessing Awareness which is not locatable within time and space, is the One that gives rise to them and it is this that is the actual creator.
Thoughts are a manifest part of the process of manifestation.
SO….. as long as the concept that one is something or someone within the form is believed and persists so does the concept of free will. Once this belief falls away so does the question of free will when it is seen that there is no one to have such a thing.
The One Awareness which alone is responsible for all of creation creates freely without choices or decisions, such things are part of what is already created.
Bodhi Avasa
The form cannot act outside of the given circumstances of the moment that it finds itself in.
The idea that another choice could have been made is an error, this error too is at the same time an impersonal action arising in consciousness. The choice that is made is the only one that was made because it was the only one that COULD have been made because of the circumstances of that particular moment. It was made by no one! just an action unfolding within the Whole.
There is a train of thought that gives the impression that things can be other than they actually are but as things are as they are and not as they are not it is not provable. It is therefore just another of the many theories based upon the idea that things can be other than they are when clearly they can only be as they actually are.
These theories, which are all based upon the holding to of the concept that there is someone within the form, tend to fall away once it is seen that there is no one and that all is action only being witnessed by an inactive Awareness.
If it is seen that there is no one within the form in actuality then it is clear that there is no one who has free will for there is no one TO have it, yet thought arises and out of the many thoughts that appear certain ones are the ones that are put forward as choices or decisions and others are simply not put forward in this way.
This is the mystery which will never be solved.
That the One consciousness that lives as and through all forms naming itself “I” or “me” creates is a fact but how this does so will never be known. There is no plan prior to the appearance of the thought as it appears out of an empty Awareness.
Although it appears that it is the thoughts and feelings themselves that are the actual stuff of creating this is not so for they themselves are made out of the non-stuff which witnesses there appearance. This witnessing Awareness which is not locatable within time and space, is the One that gives rise to them and it is this that is the actual creator.
Thoughts are a manifest part of the process of manifestation.
SO….. as long as the concept that one is something or someone within the form is believed and persists so does the concept of free will. Once this belief falls away so does the question of free will when it is seen that there is no one to have such a thing.
The One Awareness which alone is responsible for all of creation creates freely without choices or decisions, such things are part of what is already created.
Bodhi Avasa
Avasa' sharing
Behind every eye receiving the images received by the eye is the one that lives as and through all form.
What is generally believed is that there is an individual somebody or something behind the senses of what appear to be many separate forms, it is this belief that creates the sense of separation which is the cause of suffering in the human experience.
This belief, which is no more than an assumption, is brought about and has its continuation because the assumed separate one is not looked for. When the word ME or I is used it is assumed that the word is relating to the body or something within it and as this is not actually the case the illusion of many separate me-s is created.
The one that assumes that the word me or I is referring to an inner subjective object within the form is itself actually formless. By accepting itself as an objective figure it ceases to be able to recognise itself as no-thing, non-objective, in the misconception that it is some-thing. It is this identification with oneself as being something when the truth of oneself is that one is no-thing that causes the confusion that gives rise to suffering. This is the illusion which the Indian tradition has named Maya.
The Source of what appears to be many separate objects is this no-thingness. It is this One that is experiencing it's own no-thingness as the experience of the universe.
As long as this identification with the form that appears, which is no other than it's own action manifesting, continues then so does the illusion that one is a separate being amongst other separate beings and it is this sense of otherness that creates fear which then does not allow the seeing of Oneness, that all is One, that all is essentially Love and that one is equal to this.
The only One that experiences Life as and in the human form, or any other form for that matter, is the Source itself. You and I are this source, we are the same One. Not recognising this fact this one as an apparent you and I lives the illusion of separation. What is experiencing itself in your form is the one that is also experiencing itself in all other forms, no where in all that appears is there actually separation except as a an idea that leads to the belief that it is so.
When one recognises ones self to be nothing at all then this realisation of Oneness spontaneously appears. This nothingness, being prior to the somethingness that creates the sense of time and space, is immediately recognised to be the ever-present eternal One itself and the only One that actually is.
This one that we all are, and that all is, is in itself still, unmoving and silent yet paradoxically it creates all action that appears as the objective experience of the world and the universe. From this place of stillness, which is not locatable in time and space, this one is witness to its own show. A one-man band as it were. Literally speaking all that you are presently experiencing as yourself and your world is a manifestation of your own Being for you are the Source. As the no-thingness you give rise to the some-thingness that appears as manifest existence which is an activity of the stillness of your Being.
Bodhi Avasa (
Behind every eye receiving the images received by the eye is the one that lives as and through all form.
What is generally believed is that there is an individual somebody or something behind the senses of what appear to be many separate forms, it is this belief that creates the sense of separation which is the cause of suffering in the human experience.
This belief, which is no more than an assumption, is brought about and has its continuation because the assumed separate one is not looked for. When the word ME or I is used it is assumed that the word is relating to the body or something within it and as this is not actually the case the illusion of many separate me-s is created.
The one that assumes that the word me or I is referring to an inner subjective object within the form is itself actually formless. By accepting itself as an objective figure it ceases to be able to recognise itself as no-thing, non-objective, in the misconception that it is some-thing. It is this identification with oneself as being something when the truth of oneself is that one is no-thing that causes the confusion that gives rise to suffering. This is the illusion which the Indian tradition has named Maya.
The Source of what appears to be many separate objects is this no-thingness. It is this One that is experiencing it's own no-thingness as the experience of the universe.
As long as this identification with the form that appears, which is no other than it's own action manifesting, continues then so does the illusion that one is a separate being amongst other separate beings and it is this sense of otherness that creates fear which then does not allow the seeing of Oneness, that all is One, that all is essentially Love and that one is equal to this.
The only One that experiences Life as and in the human form, or any other form for that matter, is the Source itself. You and I are this source, we are the same One. Not recognising this fact this one as an apparent you and I lives the illusion of separation. What is experiencing itself in your form is the one that is also experiencing itself in all other forms, no where in all that appears is there actually separation except as a an idea that leads to the belief that it is so.
When one recognises ones self to be nothing at all then this realisation of Oneness spontaneously appears. This nothingness, being prior to the somethingness that creates the sense of time and space, is immediately recognised to be the ever-present eternal One itself and the only One that actually is.
This one that we all are, and that all is, is in itself still, unmoving and silent yet paradoxically it creates all action that appears as the objective experience of the world and the universe. From this place of stillness, which is not locatable in time and space, this one is witness to its own show. A one-man band as it were. Literally speaking all that you are presently experiencing as yourself and your world is a manifestation of your own Being for you are the Source. As the no-thingness you give rise to the some-thingness that appears as manifest existence which is an activity of the stillness of your Being.
Bodhi Avasa (
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