When real understanding happens, you are that understanding.
the sharing of it will be a sharing of Being, the same of all these forms.
the resonance will vibrates from within, shaking all the structures of
identification. if those structure's falling are welcome radiance and
Love will be experienced, a gratitude that is not directed towards
someone, but towards existence itself, towards the Self itSelf.
at times that resonance will encouter something in which there is
still an holding on to as real. Reaction will happen, as the shaking
off is talking place despite the resisting.
When all the peels of the ego have been chipped away nothing remains,
the same nothing that was pushing from the apparent outside as
masters, books, Life etc and the apparent within....the Light is
pushing destroying the illusion and only Light remains.
As empty shells blown by the divine Breath we will then dance in Life...our joy
just the living of it.
Enjoy my new blog!