
Escaping from the illusion

Manifestation is the expression of your Being, not of what you do. There is no separated individual, so there is no individual able to do or to choose anything. When the illusion to be person is present Life it will seem like the happening of something that is relatable to a someone. As this recognition to be the dreamer of the dream of life occours you will start to notice the similarities between what is experienced innerly and what appears outernly.
But when you search for this someone you will disocver than nothing is present but the action of the mind as thoughts or feelings that belong to the moment and that changes in any istant.
The Dream of the world is the expression of the Dreamer not as act of volition, but as expression of its nature.
From having a dream to BEING the Dream is the passage from hell to paradise.

Deva Mata Shakti

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